VDL-brochures and further information:

Ökologische Apekte wichtiger Gerbverfahren
Ecological aspects of important tanning processes
Reich, G., FGL e.V., Frankfurt / Main, 2021

Die Rinderhaut
Schröer, Th., DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main, 2004

ECHTES LEDER – Ein einzigartiges Material
Imagebrochure produced by VDL e.V., 2013

Natürlich Leder
Werberat der Deutschen Lederwirtschaft
Interesting facts about the natural material, leather

Natürlich Ledermode
Werberat der Deutschen Lederwirtschaft
Interesting facts about clothing and leather

Der gesunde Rinderstall
ADH e.V., Schröer, Th., 2006
Guidelines for husbandry, barn environment and health care appropriate for cattle

Hautparasiten und Flechte des Rindes
ADH e.V., Schröer, Th., 2001
Causes and economic importance, detection and successful control of skin parasites and eczema in cattle

Die fachgerechte Enthäutung von Rindern
ADH e.V., Schröer, Th., 1996

AFH, Schröer, Th. – Advantages and suggestions for the operation of electric fences

Gesunde Haut – Gesundes Rind
AFH, Schröer, Th.

Saubere Tiere – ohne Arbeit?
Ausschuss für Häuteschädenbekämpfung

You are welcome to download these brochures. Some printed brochures are also still available. Please contact us for further information.

Handbook of Leather Design for Sustainable Developement
This handbook aims at facilitating the design and development process of leather products and informing the people working within those processes. They are not intented as formulas to be simply followed in order to create “sustainable products”. Instead, the overall goal of this handbook is to broaden the scope of designers, marketers, product managers and all other parties involved in creating new leather products. Leather products are usually embedded in a complex and diffuse system that makes it very difficult to design them “more sustainable”.


Summary of the scientific report with the topic: Current study results on materials advertised as leather alternatives (here “pseudo-leather”) and leather. Comparison of the Technical Performance of Leather, Artificial Leather, and Trendy Alternatives. With link to the original study in English as a scientific paper.

A presentation on Gustavo Defeo’s study: A novel method for biobased carbon quantification on leather, artificial leather and trendy alternatives – this is about comparing the biobased carbon content of leather and trendy alternatives.

Book tips:

Book tips on the subject of leather:

Lederlust. Meisterwerke der angewandten Kunst aus dem Deutschen Ledermuseum Offenbach
(Desire for leather. Masterpieces of applied art from the German Leather Museum Offenbach)
Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2006 (ISBN 3-938025-67-0)

Faszination Leder – Alltägliches und Exotisches unter der Lupe
(The fascination with leather – Taking a magnifying glass to everyday and exotic facets)
Fuchs, K., Fuchs, M., Derichs, L., Chimaira Buchhandelsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-89973-173-6)

Die Reptilhaut – ein wichtiger Merkmalsträger bei der Identifizierung von Echsen und Schlangen
(Reptile skins – harbour important characteristics for the identification of lizards and snakes)
Fuchs, K., Fuchs, M., Chimaira Buchhandelsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 2003 (ISBN 3-930612-36-4)

(Leather – history, techniques, projects)
Barbe, J., Haupt Verlag, 2007 (ISBN 978-3-258-07072-8) – Geschichte, Techniken, Projekte

Book tips on the subject of history / leather:

Zur Geschichte der Gerberei in Sachsen
(On the history of tanning in saxony)
Groß, G., Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-86530-113-0)

Book tips on the subject of leather care:

Das große Buch der Lederpflege: Schuhpflege – Bekleidung – Möbelpflege
(The big book of leather care: shoe care – clothing – furniture care)
Himer, K., Himer, A. , HEEL Verlag GmbH, Königswinter, 2011 (ISBN 978-3-86852-458-1)

Book tips on the leather production:

Fehlermöglichkeiten bei der Lederherstellung
(Possible errors in leather production)
John, G., Vertrieb: Gerhard John, Lampertheim, 1996 (ISBN 3-00-000918-3)

Der Gerber
(The tanner)
Moog, G. E., Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart, 2005 (ISBN 3-8001-1228-0)

Gerben – Leder und Felle
(Tanning – leather and hides)
Ottinger, H. und Reeb, U., 2013 (ISBN 978-3-8001-7877-3)
The “Selbergerberbuch” – 3rd revised edition with 29 colour photos, 4 black and white photos and 20 drawings. Accumulated knowledge from the perspective of the self-sufficient craftsman with a focus on utilization. Tanning leather and hides with the most natural or simple tools possible.

Leder, Felle & Pelze selbst gerben – Mit Fetten und Rauch
(Tanning leather, hides & furs yourself – with fats and smoke)
Klek, M., 2019 (ISBN 978-3-7020-1817-7)

Leder, Felle und Pelze
(Leather, hides and furs)
Klek, M., 2019 (ISBN 978-3-8334-7894-9)
A practical guide to the ancient art of brain tanning

Gerben mit natürlichen und chemischen Stoffen
(Tanning with natural and chemical substances)
Pflieger, D., 2010 (ISBN 978-2-8106-1184-3 )

Herrenschuhe handgearbeitet
(Men shoes handmade)
Vass, L., Molnár, M., Könemann Verlagsges. mbH, Köln, 1999 (ISBN 3-89508-111-6)

Book tips for leather processing and finishing:

Waren- und Verkaufskunde – für den Schuh-Einzelhandel
(Merchandise and sales knowledge – for the retail shoe trade)
Hegenauer, H., 1982 (ISBN 3-920454-06-5)
This sales booklet is a supplement to the main volume, Technical Knowledge for Leatherworking Trades.

Fachkunde – für lederverarbeitende Berufe
(Technical knowledge – for leather processing professions)
Hegenauer, H., 2015 (ISBN 3-920454-23-5)
Standard textbook for trainees and all those who deal professionally with leather, shoes, leather goods, etc.

Handwerk Buchbinden – Schutz- und Buchumschläge
(Craft bookbinding – protective and book covers)
Cambras, J, 2006 (ISBN 978-3-258-07109-1)
This book aims to introduce its readers into the world of bookbinding and give them a sound introduction to the techniques of the craft and design options.

gut gepolstert – Ideen und Anleitungen
(Well upholstered – ideas and instructions)
Fulton, N. und Weston, S., 2016 (ISBN 9783258601632)
If your favourite chair is in tatters, if you have found a gorgeous but shabby armchair at the flea market, if the old sofa is worn out – then you need this book. ‘Well Upholstered’ shows how old furniture can be re-upholstered.

Fachzeichnen – für lederverarbeitende Berufe
(Technical drawing – for leather processing professions)
Meißner, O., 1986 (ISBN 3-920454-18-9)
Suitable instructions for technical draughtsmanship have been lacking up to now in the specialist literature for leather processing professions. This book aims to help close this gap.

Fachbuch: Leder brennen
(Textbook leather burning)
Parsons, M., HEEL Verlag, Land & Werken, 2020 (ISBN 978-3966640107)
Decorative leather branding for beginners and professionals

Leder nähen
(Sewing leather)
Bothe, C., HEEL Verlag, Land & Werken, 2015 (ISBN 978-3958431805)
Leather design and repairs made easy

Leder nähen – Neue Projekte
(Sewing leather – new projects)
Bothe, C., HEEL Verlag, Land & Werken, 2020 (ISBN 9783966641241)
Leather design and repairs made easy

(Leather work)
Gärtner, M., HEEL Verlag, Land & Werken, 2017 (ISBN 978-3958434936)
Sewing, braiding, processing

(Leather work)
Ingrams, O., Haupt Verlag, 2018 (ISBN 978-3258601885)
Making bags, accessories and furniture by hand. The ideal introduction to working with leather: 20 step-by-step projects.

Specialist magazines in print und online: